Welcome to the RACGP Foundation's grant milestone reporting platform, powered by SmartyGrants. We are now requiring all grantholders to submit their milestone reports and material, and any requests for extensions or project changes, via this platform.
Please use this form to provide a final report for your Walpole Grieve Award or Indigenous Health Award, where your Indigenous Health Award supported non-research related activities. If your Indigenous Health Award supported research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, you are required to complete the general Milestone: Final Report.
The RACGP Foundation may use the responses and image images provided in this report to promote your project/activities, the grant that you have been awarded, and/or the activities and impact of the RACGP Foundation as the philanthropic arm of the RACGP.
In submitting this form, you are consenting to the RACGP Foundation sharing your responses and any images for the above purposes.
In this form you will be asked to provide:
You are required to submit this form by the due date specified in your grant agreement and/or outcome notification letter. If you have any difficulties submitting the material or require an extension of the due date, please email grantholders@racgp.org.au as early as possible.